Headshot of Cosmin Badea

Cosmin Badea

Pedigreed Seed Product Development Manager

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About Cosmin Badea

Cosmin started with CANTERRA SEEDS in the summer of 2014, assisting the Research & Development team during that spectacular season before officially starting in his role of Pedigreed Product Development Manager in December 2014. In his role, among other things, he oversees the research and demo trial network, licensing, commercialization, and the life cycle management of their large portfolio of varieties as well as the market development of crops that require end-use validation, such as malting barley, milling oats and peas. He is part of various national and international groups, contributing to the betterment of crop development in Canada. Prior to joining CANTERRA SEEDS, he was involved in various roles in the Ag industry with AAFC where he did plant science research as a graduate student at the Lethbridge Research and Development Station. Cosmin holds a M. Sc. From the University of Alberta where he worked on identifying the drought resistance mechanism in triticale using transcriptomic and genomics tools, with potential implications identifying the resistance response pathway in wheat drought resistance. 

Cosmin now lives in Brandon with his wife and two children; however, he spent all his childhood in Europe, specifically in Romania. In Romania, agriculture is a big part of its economy and in the area where Cosmin grew up (in the western part of the country), wheat, barley and corn were the main crops. Growing up surrounded by this landscape, Cosmin found his way naturally into plant science and continues to share his passion and expertise with us. In his spare time, Cosmin loves to be outdoors (biking or walking) and travelling to see new places - experiencing new cultures and trying new food!

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